Get Your Social Media Audit

Social Media Audit

Not certain where to start with regards to maximizing your social media marketing plans? social media audit service is the first step toward understanding how to properly implement your social media strategy.

In today’s business and marketing climate, you either adapt or eventually, your business will fade into oblivion. Remember Sears? How about Radio Shack, Kmart, and Blockbuster Video? None of those companies prepared for or adjusted to the Digital Age.

You may be saying, “My business is a purely a local brick and mortar operation. Or, maybe you’re thinking, :We have a solid reputation in our town, city, or region.” That may be so, but Radio Shack, Sears, JC Penny’s and the long list of other companies that succumbed to the Digital Age, all HAD sterling reputations.

The problem?

They did not comprehend the critical significance of Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Vines, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc. Before their demise, you barely found those companies online, and even when you did, they were invisible in the social media sphere.

Since more and more consumers are vetting their buying decisions through the Internet, particularly social media, it is imperative that you know where you stand socially speaking. The easy way to do so is to have us perform a Social Media Audit.

What’s Does a Social Media Audit Include?

What we’re going to show you is (only) part of our Social Media Audit process, broken down into 7 steps.

Step #1 - Evaluate Your Current Social Media Presence

You need to do a preliminary audit of your social accounts to become aware of your strengths and possible improvement areas.

  • Which social media platforms are your business currently on?
  • Do these accounts use generic covers, or did you get branded customized covers done?
  • Do all your accounts have all the essential information your prospective and current customers need to find concerning your main website?
  • Of all your business' active social media accounts, which accounts send the most visitors or referrals to your business' physical location? Which ones send the most traffic to your website?
  • How does the quality of your social media profiles stack up against your competition?

For a comprehensive audit of your business' total online presence with an eye toward performance optimization, SEO keyword selection, and social media engagement enhancement, fill out the free consultation form below.

Step #2 - Define Your Target Market

If you want your social media marketing efforts to deliver a solid ROI, you must be crystal clear about your target market. All your social content creation and promotion efforts must be geared toward this market.

Conduct a survey or reach out to your current customers using the parameters below. If you are a startup, do industry research to find your market. Your research should include the following questions.

  • What is their gender?
  • What is their age range?
  • What is their educational level?
  • What is their income range?
  • Are they more likely to be married or single?
  • Do they rent or own their home?
  • How does your target market like to interact with companies like yours?
  • What problems, issues, and challenges do they have that your business is designed to solve?
  • Which social media platforms do people with the above parameters use?

Step #3 - Craft Your Social Media Mission Statement

Don't assume that you already know what you want from social media. Sit down and carefully craft a mission statement that can clearly and effectively guide your company in all of your social media activities.

It would be best to connect the reasons WHY you're using social media with your company's brand identity. Aim your statement to your business' target market (see step 2).

Keep revising and tightening your social media statement until it can guide you in figuring out which content to create and how to do outreach on multiple social media platforms.

Step #4 - Embrace Social Media Analytics

Many businesses screw up on social media marketing because they fail or refuse to use Analytics. Too many marketers confuse "likes," "retweets," and "favorites" with an intention to buy. You have to measure your Social Media efforts to understand how it's impacting your bottom line. Create a sequence of different success metrics that lead eventually to profits.

  • Reach (how many people get a chance to see your update?)
  • Sentiment (how engaging is your content?)
  • Total shares (how eager are your fans in sharing your content?)
  • Brand mentions (do your followers mention your brand independently?)
  • Clickthrough Rate (what % of social fans click through to your site?)
  • Conversion Rate (what % of your social fans clicking through turn into actual buyers?)

Step #5 - Curate And Produce Original Engaging Content

Too many businesses fail with social media marketing because they skip the above steps. You can't go straight to content creation or curation; chances are you'll end up traveling into a rabbit hole. You can't deliver engaging and captivating content if you haven't bothered to identify your audience!

You don't have to use all 100% original content. You can curate (share other social media accounts' content with a link back to them) the bulk of your content while mixing in a few original content pieces that link back to your site or carry your brand's logo.

Keep in mind that you're curating and sharing original content because you want to build brand familiarity, drive engagement, drive traffic, and boost conversions. That's quite a tall order; this is why you need to actively monitor your metrics so you can make adjustments that lead to better conversion rates.

You can choose from a wide range of content formats when looking to curate or produce original content: Interviews, Images, eBooks, Videos, Company News, Blog Posts, and Infographics.

Set up a content management calendar, so you know which types of content to produce or curate on a specific date and which platforms to share it on.

Step #6 - Automate

Use a social presence automation solution to schedule your content ahead of time. You don't have to manually upload content at a specific time. You can set your content calendar up in advance by using content publication automation tools.

Using the social media audit, you can identify tools that help you find places to share your content on the social media platforms you're targeting. For example, you can use keywords related to your business' niche to find Facebook groups and pages. The automation tool then posts to the locations you select at the time that you set.

Step #7 - Always Tweak To Peak Performance

Don't just set and forget your social media content. Track the results of your content posts. Make adjustments to see if these lead to better performance. Once you figure out an adjustment that leads to better conversions, scale those up and apply them to all your content.

Follow the seven steps above to end your social marketing struggles. Your business can earn more money through social media marketing; all you need is to follow this step by step road map above! It all starts with a social media audit.